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59 Funniest Elephant Jokes to Laugh Your Ears Out Today

It’s time to address the elephant in the room. As the biggest mammal, the elephant holds a special place in our hearts. 

These amazing animals are not only impressive in size, they are also known for having a great sense of humor

Today, we will laugh at their expense. We have gathered the best elephant jokes for you. 

Let’s jump right into them!

Best elephant jokes

Funniest Elephant Jokes

1. What’s an elephant called that won’t share its toys?



2. What did the momma elephant say to her kid when he was misbehaving?

“Tusk, tusk!”


3. When an elephant is bored, what’s it like to do?

Watch elevision.


4. Why was the elephant afraid to go to the computer store?

Because they sold mice.


5. What sport will an elephant always beat you at?



6. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?

He called the tow truck.


7. How do you do with a blue elephant?

Tell it silly jokes!


8. How do elephants talk to each other?

On the ele-phone!


9. What’s the best way to raise a baby elephant?

With a forklift.


10. How do elephants keep cool in the summer?

Ear conditioning!

Best Elephant Jokes

11. Why couldn’t the elephant ride the bus to school?

Its trunk wouldn’t fit under the seat.


12. What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot?

An elaughant.


13. What album could an elephant listen to all day long?

Tusk by Fleetwood Mac.


14. What’s an elephant’s favorite font to use?

Ella font.


15. What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree?

The trunk!


16. Why are elephants bad dancers?

They have two left feet.


17. Why do elephants need trunks?

Because they don’t have handbags.


18. What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant?

Swimming trunks!


19. What’s large in size, gray, and has red spots?

An elephant with chickenpox!


20. What goes down but never goes up?

An elephant in an elevator.


21. How does an elephant know what size clothes to buy online?

They use the elle-e-fit size chart.


22. How can you tell if an elephant is under your bed?

Your nose will touch the ceiling.


23. Why are elephants so wrinkly?

Because ironing them takes way too long.


24. What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded?

It ele-faints.


25. What animal is always up for an adventure?

Elephants! They have a trunk with them wherever they go.


26. What did the elephant want for his birthday?

A trunk full of presents.


27. What has big ears and makes toys for Santa?



28. What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?

“I love you a ton!”


29. What’s the only way an elephant flies?

By dumbo jet!


30. Why do elephants have trunks?

Because they would look funny with a suitcase.


31. Who wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?



32. What’s big and gray and has horns?

An elephant marching band!


33. Why did the elephant get pulled over?

He sped through the stomp sign.


34. What’s as large as an elephant but weighs nothing at all?

An elephant’s shadow.


35. What does an elephant mom say to her children every morning?

“I love each and ivory one of you!”


36. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?



37. How do you keep an elephant from charging too much?

You take away its credit cards.


38. Why are elephants always so broke?

They work for peanuts.


39. What’s an elephant’s favorite Star Wars character?

TUSKan Raiders.


40. What do you call an elephant that hates taking baths?

A smellyphant!


41. What’s blue and has big ears?

An elephant at the North Pole.

Funny elephant jokes

Hilarious Elephant Jokes

42. The biggest ant in the world is called what?

An eleph-ant!


43. Why did the baby elephants get kicked out of the pool?

Their trunks kept falling down.


44. Why do elephants drink so much?

To try to forget.


45. Why didn’t the African elephant like playing UNO?

There are too many cheetahs.


46. What game should you never play with an elephant?



47. What’s the difference between a dozen eggs and an elephant?

If you don’t know, I’m sure not going to send you to the store for a dozen eggs!


48. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?

He called a tow truck!


49. What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants in the distance?

“Look, a herd of elephants in the distance.”


50. What was the elephant doing on the freeway?

About 5 mph.


51. How do you get an elephant up a tree?

 Plant an acorn. Have the elephant stand on top of where you planted it. Wait 50 years.


52. What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants with sunglasses

Nothing. He doesn’t recognize them.


53. What’s the same size and shape as an elephant but weighs nothing?

An elephant’s shadow.


54. What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of giraffes in the distance?

 “Haha! You fooled me once with those disguises, but not this time!”


55. What do you get when an elephant skydives?

A big hole.


56. Why couldn’t the two elephants go swimming together?

Because they only had one pair of trunks!


57. Why don’t more elephants go to college?

Not too many elephants finish high school. 🙁


58. What do you call elephants who ride on trains?



59. Why do elephants have large feet?

 To stomp out flaming ducks!

Your Turn!

We hope that you have enjoyed funniest elephant jokes. Now, we would love to hear from you! 

What is your favorite elephant joke?

Let us know in the comments down below!

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