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63 Owl Jokes To Make Your Head Spin (w/ Hilarious Owl Puns)

Whatever the reason — if you are looking for the funniest owl jokes on the internet, you have come to the right place!

Our picks are an absolute hoot!

Perhaps you are an owl enthusiast and want to share these with your friends. Maybe you are a fan of animal jokes in general, and owl jokes and puns are next on your list.

Either way, this collection is owl you need.

Let’s get into it right away!

The funniest owl jokes collection.

Hilarious Q&A Owl Jokes

1. What is an owl’s favorite alcoholic drink?

Hoot beer.


2. Where do owls buy their clothes?

In the owlet malls.


3. What do you call an owl with an attitude?

A scowl.


4. What is the favorite Beatles song of every owl?

“Owl You Need is Love.”


5. An owl was wrongfully accused of a crime. What did it say to the judge?

I’m talon you – it wasn’t me.


6. What is a well-educated owl’s favorite word?



7. Why don’t owls prepare for tests in school?

Because they prefer to wing it.


8. What do you call an owl escapologist?



9. What is an owl’s favorite machine in the gym?

The stare-master.


10. What happens to an owl with a bad personal hygiene?

It starts smelling fowl.


11. What is every owl’s favorite board game?

Guess Who?


12. What is an owl’s favorite subject at school?



13. What do you call an owl dressed in armor?

A knight owl.


14. What do you call an owl who has been caught in the act?

A spotted owl.


15. Where do owls serve their prison sentences?

In the Owlcatraz.


16. What is the most common form of violence amongst owls?

Fly-by hooting.


17. Why did the owl invite its friends over?

Because it didn’t want to be owl by itself.


18. What do owls call their own beaks?

Who nose.

Owl jokes and puns.

Best One-Liner Owl Jokes & Puns

19. I had a pet owl, but it wasn’t very friendly – all it did was growl.


20. Mark my words, owl be seeing you in court!


21. Owls never cry at funerals – they just aren’t mourning people.


22. Owls are very carefree creatures, they just don’t give a hoot!


23. My owl was quite educated, but it was an annoying know-it-owl.


24. Most owls love compliments, especially if you tell them they are hoo-tiful.


25. I think I know who broke the lamp, but I won’t tell you hoo.


26. The owl called in sick for work today, because it didn’t want to miss the Superb-owl.


27. Stop with all the owl puns, or owl make you stop!


28. It’s very easy to babysit baby owls – you just play a lot of beak-a-boo!


29. Owls are clearly smarter than chickens – you’ve never heard of Kentucky-fried owl!


30. There is an owl among us, but we cannot know hoo it is.


Dumb But Funny Owl Puns

31. What do you call a fluffy owl that lives in the bathroom?

A t-owl.


32. Why did a priest buy an owl?

It is a bird of prey.


33. Why do owl babies take after their dads so much?

Like feather, like son.


34. What is an owl’s favorite dessert?

Mice cream.


35. What do you get when you cross an owl and a cat?

An animal that meowls.


36. Who is the most famous athlete amongst owls?

Muhammed Owlee.


37. Why would an owl say: Moooo?

It is trying to learn a new language.


38. Why do owls never flirt in the rain?

It is too wet to woo!


39. What is an owl’s favorite holiday?



40. What do you get when you combine a skunk and owl?

A bird that may stink but doesn’t give a hoot.


41. What is every owl’s favorite Whitney Houston song?

“Owl Always Love You.”


42. What is every owl’s dream job?

Flight attendant.


43. What do owls say when they are flirting with each other?

I’ve been thinking about you owl night long.


44. One of my neighbors sounds like an owl..


What is the funniest owl pun?

Some More Owl Jokes

45. What did mother owl say to her children at the playground?

You go and play kids, and owl watch from here.


46. What did they ask the owl who was a crime witness?

Hoo did it?


47. Did you hear about the recent owl party?

It was a real hoot!


48. What is even better than a talking owl?

A spelling bee.


49. Why did the owl complain about the neighbors?

The woodpecker used to peck ‘er!


50. What does an owl use to dry itself after a bath?

A towl.


51. Why shouldn’t you ever tell an owl a secret?

They are always talon everybody.


52. What is an owl’s favorite movie?

Owlice in Wonderland.


53. Why didn’t you go to that owl sports game?

Because of all the hoo-ligans.


54. Where do owls go on their honeymoon?

To their love nest.


55. What do you call an owl that works in a hospital?

Doctor Hoo!


56. Why are owls great friends?

Because they are a hoot!


57. Why did the man take his pet owl to the party?

It was free-for-owl.


58. Where was the owl’s first job?

At Hooters.


59. My pet owl will soon turn 180!

Although he is not old, he just has issues with his neck.


60. What did the grape say when an owl stepped on it?

Nothing much. It just let out a little wine.


61. What is the last name of the owl named Robin?



62. Why did the owl have a sore throat?

It was hooting owl night long.


63. Why didn’t the owl go to the movies with her friend?

She wanted to go all owlone.

Your Turn

Now, let’s hear if from you!

Is there an owl jokes you know that we haven’t put on our list?

Please share it in the comments below!

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