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71+ Funniest Sheep Puns Your Friends Will Be in Love With

Mooooove over, puns about cows!

Sheep puns are the new craze in comedy.

And we have 77 of them for you to enjoy.

No matter how many times your friends roll their eyes at new, stupid jokes – they’ll be laughing with this collection of 71+ funniest sheep puns.

Let’s jump right into it!

Fun puns - girl smiling

The Punniest Sheep Puns to Make Ewe Laugh!

1. Where do sheep get their wool cut?

The baa-baa shop!


2. What instrument do a pair of sheep play? 

A two-baa.


3. What do you get when you cross angry sheep with a grumpy cow? 

A baaaaad mooooood.


4. What do you call a sheep on steroids?

A woolly mammoth.


5. What is a sheep’s favorite newspaper?

The Wool Street Journal.


6. How to sheep say “Merry Christmas” in Mexico?

Fleece Navidad!


7. What cars do sheep like to drive? 



8. How do you greet a sheep on Christmas?

Merry Christmas to ewe!


9. What’s a sheep’s favorite singer?

Britney Shears!


10. What do you call a lamb that does karate? 



11. What’s a sheep’s fave snack? 

A baaanana.


12. What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate?

A candy baa!


13. What’s a French sheep’s favorite holiday? 

Baastille Day


14. What do you call 100 sheep rolling down a hill? 

A lamb-slide.


15. What kind of dance do sheep specialize in? 



16. What do you call a dancing sheep?

A baa-lerina.


17. What music do sheep like?
Lady Baa Baa and Ed Shearan.


18. Why was the sheep arrested on the freeway?

Because she did a ewe-turn!


19. What animal sounds like a sheep but isn’t?

A baaaa-boon.


20. What stroke do sheep enjoy doing?

The baaaackstroke.


21. What do you call a well-dressed sheep? 



22. What do you call a miserly sheep? 

A sheepskate.


23. What’s a sheep without any legs? 

A cloud.


24. What do you call two sheep who are dating? 

A relationsheep.


25. What did the sheep parent say to the lamb? 

“It’s pasture bedtime!”


26. How do sheep greet each other? 

“Hay, how’s it going?”


27. How many sheep does it take to knit a sweater?

Don’t be silly — sheep can’t knit!


28. A sheep, a drum, and a snake fall off a cliff. What sound do they make?



29. What do you say to a sad sheep? 

“Shear up!”


30. What do you call a rumor among sheep? 

Herd it through the grapevine.

Sheep puns

More Funny Sheep Puns!

31. The sheep family was finally able to get together again after the pandemic.

It was a real re-ewe-nion.
32. Where do sheep go to shop?

33. Where do sheep go to watch funny videos?

Ewe Tube.
34. Two sheep were talking about a ewe.

They were trying to figure out if they’d met herbivore.
35. What did the sheep parent say to the little lambs?

“I want everything cleaned up and sheep-shape!”
36. Where do lambs take a bath?

In the baaaa-th tub.
37. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?

A woolly jumper.
38. What do sheep wear to the beach?

A baa-kini.
39. What’s a sheep’s favourite magical creature?

A ewe-nicorn.
40. Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Barbara who?

Barbara black sheep. Have you any wool?
35. What do you call a sheep with a machine gun?

A b-aa-aa-aa-d situation.
36. What do you call it when a sheep jumps out at you?

A lambush!
37. How do sheep start their emails?

“Hope this email finds you wool…”
38. A police officer in the big city stops a man in a car with a sheep in the front seat.
“What are you doing with that sheep? You should take it to the zoo,” the officer said.
The following week, the same police officer sees the same man with the same sheep in the front seat, with both of them wearing sunglasses. The police officer pulls him over.
“I thought you were going to take that sheep to the zoo!” the officer said.
The man replied, “I did. We had such a good time we are going to the beach this weekend!”
39. What did the sheep want to do?

To wool the world.
40. What football club do sheep like best?


41. What do you get if you cross a boa and a sheep?

A wrap-around sweater.
42. What is a sheep’s favorite food?

Granola baaar.
43. Why did the lamb call the police?

He had been fleeced.
44. What do you call a sheep that is always quiet?

A shhhheep!
45. What stroke do sheep enjoy doing?

The baaaackstroke.
46. What’s a sheep’s favorite type of restaurant?

A hole in the wool.
47. What did the farmer say to the angry ram?

“Oh, don’t get so bent out of sheep.”
48. Why couldn’t the little lamb play outside?

It was being baaaaaaaad!
49. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a porcupine?

An animal that can sew its own sweaters.
50. What did the ram captain say when his boat hit an iceberg?

“Abandon sheep!”
51. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a bee?

52. Why did the policeman give the sheep a ticket?

Because she made an illegal ewe turn.
53. What do you call a Greek sheep?

54. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a porcupine?

An animal that can sew its own sweaters.
55. Here’s a joke about a man and his flock of sheep.

Stop me if you’ve herd it before.
56. Where do sheep go on vacation?

To the Baaaaaa-hamas.
57. Why was the lamb hiding from everyone?

It was feeling sheepish!
58. Why can’t sheep stop injuring themselves?

I don’t know, they just keep ramming into things!
59. Why did the eye skip the family reunion?

It was always the black sheep of the family!
60. What did the sheep parent say to the little lambs?

“I want everything cleaned up and sheep-shape!”

A sheep - sheep puns

61. What does sheep do for a living?

Sheep is a baaarman.


62. What do you call an old sheep?

Pasture prime!


63. What did the sheep parent say to the lamb? “It’s pasture bedtime!”


One Liner Sheep Puns


64. Accidents wool happen.


65. Time wool tell.


66. That was a sheep shot.


67. Abandon sheep!


68. You herd it here first.


69. The sheep of things to come.


70. Shear up, darling. Everything will be alright.


71. Ram the point home.


72. Wouldn’t ewe know it.


73. Baby don’t herd me.


74. Wool you be my valentine?


75. All sheeps and sizes.


76. Ewe are one in a million.


77. All’s wool that end’s wool.

Your Turn!

We hope that you have enjoyed our collection of the funniest sheep puns. If you have some more – Let us know in the comments down below!

See you in the next article!

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