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What Is Wrong With Me? 6 Tips to Fight Uncertainty

“What is wrong with me” is a question that haunts many people, bogging them down and preventing them from being happy. If you have been wondering this for a while, don’t worry-you’re not alone! Millions of people have felt the way you do. Still, it’s important to realize what torments you might actually be several different issues that can manifest similar symptoms.

Before you can get on a path to feeling better, you need to figure out the source of your feelings! 

As humans, we are naturally inclined to prioritize our physical health. We take care of our bodies by eating right and exercising regularly to live long, healthy lives. However, most people don’t realize that our emotional well-being is just as important as our physical health! Your mental and emotional wellness is what will allow you to live a happy, healthy life.

This article will teach you to go from “What Is Wrong With Me?” to what you need to do next.

What Is Wrong With Me? 6 Tips to Fight Uncertainty

What Is Uncertainty, And Why Does It Feel So Bad?

Uncertainty is the feeling of doubt or hesitation about something. This is different from believing you might be wrong because it involves a lack of knowledge. You are uncertain that your belief is correct because you don’t have enough information on the subject to make an informed decision yet. 

Uncertainty can be difficult to deal with, but it’s only difficult because we haven’t found the right way to handle it yet.

If you know someone certain about everything, regardless of their experience and knowledge on the subject, they might be stubborn or flat-out wrong more than 50% of the time! 

The best decisions are made when we have some amount of data to base our choices on. 

A doctor wouldn’t operate on a patient without examining them and finding out the root cause of their pain, so it’s essential to be reasonable in your decisions when trying to figure out what is wrong with your emotional well-being.

To deal with uncertainty and get on a part to feeling better, you need to figure out where the feeling of uncertainty is coming from. Here are some of the possible answers:

  • Is it about your career? 
  • Your romantic relationships? 
  • Family issues?
  • Financial situation?
  • Place where you live?

What are my options, and how can I decide that will lead me towards a path to feeling better?

Once you have figured out where this feeling of uncertainty stems, you can move forward and decide what options you have to take care of the problem! 

The decision-making process can be challenging because we often don’t know all of our options or believe only one option is available. This is why it’s important to figure out the root cause of your feelings to choose that will lead you towards the best possible future.

Here are our best tips to help you fight uncertainty: 

What Is Wrong With Me?

#1 – Identify Your Needs 

Once you have figured out what is wrong with your emotional well-being, it’s essential to identify your needs. Remember that the key to taking care of yourself is prioritizing your mental and emotional health just as much as you prioritize what you eat and how often you exercise!

To figure out what you need, think about a moment when you were at your happiest and most fulfilled. 

What was going on? 

What made it such a great moment for you?

If those questions don’t help jog your memory, think about what needs to be in place for you to feel happy and fulfilled! For example, do you need a certain level of physical activity every day? Does hanging out with friends make you feel better? Do you need to spend time alone to recharge?

Once you have figured out what makes you happy, it will be easier for you to figure out what is wrong with your emotional well-being.

If you are not sure, take your time and observe:

  1. Pay attention to all the life situations in the next ten days. 
  2. Start a journal.
  3. Write down the happiest moments of the day.
What do you want?

#2 – Meet Your Goals 

Now that you know where the root of the problem lies and what your needs are, it’s time to meet your goals! The first step here is setting SMART goals for yourself. 

What are SMART goals?

Specific: what exactly do you want?

Measurable: can you measure progress along the way to achieving this goal?

Attainable: is this goal possible to achieve?

Relevant: How does this goal tie into achieving your bigger goal?

Timely: When do you need to achieve this goal?

Once you have set SMART goals for yourself, it will be easier to meet them! 

Meeting self-care goals can require some time and effort, but don’t be discouraged if it takes longer than you expected to reach your goal! All great things take some time (and some extraordinary exceptions do exist), so don’t give up on yourself because you’re off to a slower start than expected.

#3 – Get Good Night Sleep 

No matter what you do to take care of your mental health, getting enough sleep is always essential! You may be able to stay up late into the night surfing the web or scrolling through social media, but if you’re not giving your mind rest throughout the day, it will be harder for you to feel good about yourself later on.

For this reason, it’s important to make sure that you are taking care of your mental health during the day so that your body can rest when it needs to. 

This means engaging in activities that will help you relax and get rid of stress rather than activities that create more stress for yourself!

Caring for yourself is all about figuring out what is wrong with your emotional well-being, finding solutions to the problems you see and then putting those solutions into action. 

Remember that taking care of yourself doesn’t just mean eating healthy or exercising daily. It means taking time for yourself to really think about what is wrong with your mental health and take steps towards feeling happier!

What Is Wrong With Me? Get enough sleep

#4 – Dealing With Anxiety, Stress, and Depression!

We all deal with these kinds of feelings in our lives. Sometimes when we don’t understand what’s wrong, it feels like these feelings will never go away! Don’t let that feeling overwhelm you-these feelings will pass if you work through them.

Start by talking to family and friends about how you’re feeling (If you feel comfortable around them). Letting them know what’s on your mind will make it easier for you to take that first step in working through your feelings.

Meditation is a great way to calm yourself down when the world feels like too much for you to handle. Sit in silence with your eyes closed and think about your breathing. Think about the inhale and exhale for just a few minutes. Those few minutes can do wonders for your mental health!

It’s also important to find an outlet to express yourself if you’re feeling super overwhelmed by your thoughts or feelings. If nothing else, taking out a notebook and writing it all down will help you take one step back from your emotions and start to work through them.

#5 – Find A Support Group or Professional Help

Sometimes those feelings need a little help to be expressed.

Taking care of your mental health is an important part of your self-care routine! Don’t let yourself feel defeated when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. 

You can work through these feelings and take back control of your life! 

Be kind to yourself and be honest about what you’re feeling. Be open with your family members if you feel comfortable talking about it with them. There are many ways to work through feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression, so start by finding a way that works for you to express yourself before it overwhelms you.

There are many benefits to caring for your mental health, just as you care for your physical health. Doing so will help you feel more at peace and allow yourself the freedom of staying happy in the present moment!

#6 – Care For Yourself And Love Yourself Enough To Do It!

The most important thing that you can do for yourself is to care about who you are and what makes you happy.

This path begins with understanding what you want from your life and knowing your worth. Self-validation is the act of recognizing your worth and accepting yourself for who you are.

Related: What is Self-Validation & How It Can Fulfill Your Life?

Start by writing down three things that bring you joy and happiness in life. This can be anything from a trip to the park on a sunny day to snuggling up with a good book.

Write down these things, and then think about why each of them makes you happy. Think about what it is about going to the park that makes you happy. Is it the fresh air? The chance to get outside and be active? Or is it just making time for yourself to enjoy your surroundings without worrying about all of life’s errands or work that needs doing, etc.?

The point of this exercise is to get into the habit of loving yourself enough to take care of your mental health. Of course, it can take time before you start to feel better, but these small things will help you along the way!

Once you’ve arrived at what makes you happy, take some time each day – even just five minutes to do one of these things that make you happy. This is a great way to start loving yourself enough to take care of your mental health.

Sometimes a deeper issue is at the root of how you’re feeling, and these feelings can come out in other ways besides sadness or stress. If you feel that you can’t handle your emotions alone, don’t hesitate to ask for professional help. 

Love yourself


What is wrong with me is a tough question, and we hope that we have helped you to understand yourself a bit more.

Be kind to yourself and be honest about what you’re feeling. 

There are many ways to work through feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression, so start by finding a way that works for you to express yourself before it overwhelms you. 

There are many benefits to caring for your mental health, just as you care for your physical health. Doing so will help you feel more at peace and allow yourself the freedom of staying happy in the present moment!

Let us know in the comments if this article was helpful, and see you in the next post!

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