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George’s Story of Turning Regret Into Remorse


George's Story of Turning Regret Into Remorse

“It’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.” – Jackie Joyner-Kerse.

31-year-old George is someone with a variety of interests. From keeping his eyes dug deep into books and movies, George also has his interests spread towards music and sports. George completed his B.tech in Mechanical engineering from Cochin after which he worked in Bangalore for 10 months. After working for 10 months, George wanted to shift his career and so, he joined a manufacturing company in Goa by the age of 25 where he worked for 2 years. Following this, he decided to pursue his master’s in Engineering Management from Manipal Institute of Technology. His next professional experience was based in WhiteHat Jr. where he worked for 4 months Later, with the demise of his father’s brother, he helped with the family business for some time. 

“I didn’t pass all exams and had to spend another 2 years to complete my bachelors’ engineering.”

George, who faced a lot of difficulty in passing his Btech, had to spend an extra two years graduating. Although he invested a lot of years in working professionally, he was unable to grab the work experience that matters the most. Facing this issue was not easy for him as he felt that he had wasted his 20’s and there was no going back to fix it. 

My twnties were filled with regret. I didn't even know my true passion or calling by the time I turned 27.

“I suddenly woke up one day to realise that I haven’t achieved anything in my life till now. I had started to question certain important factors like marriage and settlement. It was this moment when I decided to change my life.”

This feeling of regret made George question his future to such an extent that it started affecting his present peace of mind. In no time, George started blaming himself for the same and his guilt took over his thoughts and other motivating factors. George was unable to express this turbulence inside him in front of anyone. With suppressed thoughts, it was becoming harder for him to take life smoothly. 

“I didn’t know who to talk to about my problems. I couldn’t share it with anyone. I didn’t know what to do next.”

Usually, George is strong-minded but the negativity made him feel weak. But there weren’t many behavioural changes reflected in his personality. George realised that maybe counseling could help him overcome his issues and so he approached YourDOST. YourDOST being an emotional wellness coach with WhiteHat Jr., brought ease of access to George and in no time he was assigned to Ms Malavika Prakki, a counsellor from YourDOST. Malvika was engaged in video sessions with George and took him through an empathetic and supportive counseling journey. 

Some of the techniques that Malavika suggested involved maintaining a gratitude journal where George was asked to write three things that made him happy daily.

“Malavika made me understand that it was okay to feel anxious. She also told me that I still had time which really gave me hope.”

Some of the techniques that Malavika suggested involved maintaining a gratitude journal where George was asked to write three things that made him happy daily. She also guided George to map a timeline based on his goals with the steps he would take to achieve them. 

“Sharing made me feel better. The intensity of my anxiety lessened. Now I have a clearer view towards my goals.”

George has come through a lot of commutes throughout his life till now. But the feeling of having one’s own goal leads a person to feel settled. Today, George has his own dream of making a career in the stock market.

“When you’re talking to yourself, you only have your own ideas. When you’re talking to someone else, you’re getting more ideas”

George was finally out of the regret phase and started looking life with a positive and accepting attitude.

George figured out his career path when he revealed the crisis and regrets inside his head. This made him see the bigger picture and understand that ‘it takes only some courage to acknowledge that everyone has their own time zone to achieve in life.’ 

People should be honest with themselves about their issues – why they are facing it, whether they have done something to contribute to the issue. Fortunately for me, I was honest with myself and to my counsellor from the start and owned up to my faults. I did not blame anyone else.”

George rates his progress through counseling with a 3.5 out of 5. We at YourDOST appreciate his will to sort his issues and always look forward to it!

George’s Warrior Tips:
1. Seek help. When you share your problems with someone, you will feel better.
2. Don’t keep it completely within you. Sometimes real ideas come to you when you take in ideas from outside.
3. Sharing helps. It opens the door to new ideas.
4. Be honest and don’t lie to yourself.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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