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How Would You Describe Your Sense of Humor – 5 Amazing Tips

Whether on good days or rainy ones, knowing what makes you laugh is one of the things you can always rely on.

Of course, defining your exact sense of humor isn’t the easiest task as it might seem, and you may wonder what is the best start towards discovering it.

In this post, we are ready to give you 5 tips that will help you answer the question: How would you describe your sense of humor, so you know what makes you laugh in the first place.

Let’s jump right into it!

How Would You Describe Your Sense of Humor - 5 AmazingTips

Tip #1 – Know what are the different types of humor

You might think you can name all the different types of humor off the top of your head. However, there are many more you probably haven’t even heard of.

Our advice would be to get to know what kinds of comedy there are in the first place. You can start by searching for a similar type of humor you think you’d like, or begin with a completely unbiased and clear page and go through them all.

For example, you know for certain that sarcasm is your forte – yet by searching online what other types of humor there are, you’d learn about similar things to sarcasm, such as satire and parody, and discover a new favorite kind of comedy.

Or let’s bring up the fact that probably everyone has been caught once or twice watching and enjoying funny animal videos online. If you predominantly opt for that type of content in your free time, then your sense of humor goes along the lines of easy and lighthearted comedy. 

We covered many types of humor, from observational and absurd humor, all the way to guides on dark humor and how to become more witty, so feel free to check it out as a good starting point!

Meanwhile, you can always count on the fact that the more you’re exposed to certain humor it will higher the chances of making you laugh. That is the sole reason why your sense of humor has been developing your entire life. Don’t be surprised, it might even change in the future!

what is your sense of humor

Tip #2 – Start to think about it actively.

After you become more acquainted with different types of humor, our next tip would be to start reflecting more on humor present in your everyday life and think about where it originates from. 

Are you making jokes to simply make other people laugh? Or do you like to use your sense of humor to criticize things in a more nice and subtle way than directly pointing out the problem?

Many people also like to use humor as a coping mechanism against something more serious. Whether you’re dealing with everyday life issues or you’ve just been insulted by someone, cracking a few jokes instead of crumbling under stress will certainly help you go through life much easier! 

Alongside that, sometimes your sense of humor may be different when you’re around other people and when you’re spending your free time at home, where your guilty pleasure might be slapstick comedy or endless hours of watching stand-up comedians.

Ask yourself: what makes you laugh when you’re with friends and other social gatherings? Does it differ from what makes you laugh when you’re on your own? Think about whether you hide what makes you laugh when you’re in public surrounded by others or not.

And remember, humor doesn’t have any limits, and most times, it’s not true or false. Just because you might enjoy mainstream sitcoms or even reality game shows when you’re on your own, it doesn’t mean that that’s more of your true sense of humor than when you’re cracking witty jokes with others.

Tip #3 – Make a list.

Or you can simply go the traditional way by taking a piece of paper and writing out a list!

Feel free to ask yourself these questions: 

  • Which type of entertainment content do you move towards the most? 
  • Can you think of the movies and shows you love that made you laugh?
  • If you can name a few multimedia examples or if you enjoy some particular comedians, try to find a link between them. 
  • Are they more oriented around ironic and witty remarks? 
  • Or is the parody type of comedy more your style?

So if there’s a specific kind of joke or content you find yourself laughing at the most, the answer to your worries on how to describe your sense of humor might be hidden right here!

By writing it all down, it will help you clear your head and have it all down in one place. As soon as you see it all in one place, you’ll be better at defining your sense of humor.

Tip #4 – Browse similar content.

Another tip would be to try looking up similar comedians or similar TV shows you enjoyed recently. If they also make you laugh out loud, then you will know for sure that you enjoy that certain type of humor!

We recommend taking some time to go through them all and noting down those that were your favorite and that you’re definitely going to come back to later.

Overall they will all help you get better at knowing what makes you laugh the hardest.

describe your sense of humor

Tip #5 – Trust your instinct.

Last but not least, you should rely on your instinct the most.

Think of all the recent interactions with others and try to remember what was your instinct to say in situations when you were trying to be funny.

All in all, it’s essential also to remember to take it easy and do not stress about defining your humor. It will come naturally, and overthinking will not do you any good!

Your Turn

Now, we would love to hear from you:

How did you realize what your sense of humor was? Did it change from what you initially thought it was?

Please share your thoughts in the comments down below!

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