What does KCCO mean?
KCCO is a phrase that originated from World War II in Great Britain, with a slightly different meaning from the one it has today. Now, you can usually see it on inspirational posters and funny T-shirts.
KCCO stands for:
Keep Calm. Chive On.
However, the original meaning of the phrase was:
Keep Calm and Carry On.
The British government published “keep calm and carry on” posters to encourage national morale after air attacks on England. Today, this phrase has the same meaning but different usage.
Keep calm, and chive on is used today and is a slogan of the modern pop culture website theCHIVE.

What is The CHIVE?
TheCHIVE is a humorous website with funny, uplifting, and bizarre stories posted from all sides of the world. The website is powered by its huge user base, where the community submits around 5000 pieces of content every day!
The main visitors of theCHIVE are teenagers and young adults. As you already know, evolving web-humor culture is mostly spread around Gen Z and Millenial generations.
The CHIVE is dedicated to “humor, hotness, and humanity,” and it’s not a rare case of seeing half-naked photos of the people who want to show their attractiveness. Sounds like a fun community to be in, right?
The bottom line is:
Chiving means that you are being cool, supportive, and chill.
That being said, the abbreviation KCCO has kept pretty much the same meaning as before, but in a different context. You could also say that it has become branded.
How and When to Use KCCO?
KCCO has the purpose of calming the situation or someone’s (over)reaction. So it can mean something along the lines ‘Don’t stress, relax.’
For example, if you’re having a bad day or are dealing with a stressful situation, just say to yourself:
Keep calm and chive on.
In other words, keep your spirits high and try not to worry too much. This phrase should make you feel good, relaxed, and supported in hard situations. Of course, we all know that’s easier said than done, but consider it a slight push for your positive thoughts.
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Examples of How KCCO Is Used
Finally, let’s take a look at a few examples of how the acronym KCCO can be used in texting:
Example #1
A: I feel so stressed! I can’t work here anymore.
B: I know it’s hard, but you can do it! KCCO!
As you can see, in this particular example, person B is encouraging person A to stay strong and now allow their stress to overpower them.
Example #2
A: This training is so hard. I feel like giving up.
B: KCCO. Just breathe. You will be happy when you finish.
Here we have another example in which KCCO is used as a phrase of encouragement. Once again, person B is staying positive and motivating their friend to push through the struggle.
Are There Any Other Expressions as KCCO?
As you may have guessed it, there are quite a few abbreviations that have risen from the constantly evolving culture of online communities such as TheChive or Reddit. To name a few:
- INB4 – comment or predict something “in before” other people;
- FLBP – future lower back problems;
- DAR – daily afternoon randomness;
- and many more!
Whether you say it to yourself or others, KCCO can be a useful modern-day mantra in various situations. Here at Witty Companion, we always do our best to make ourselves and others laugh every day, and the positive vibe of this abbreviation fits that narrative well!
Hopefully, we will see (or hear) you using this phrase a bit more often when faced with life’s challenges. Until then:
Keep Calm and Chive On!
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