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How Aman Championed Assertiveness Through Therapy.

“None but ourselves can free our Mind.” – Bob Marley

Aman Gupta is a 27-year-old who works as a marketing manager at BYJU. He currently resides in Bangalore and moved from his hometown Patna to find a livelihood for himself in India’s Silicon Valley. 

“I come from a humble and joyful family of 4, and they are back in Patna. I moved to Bangalore almost 3 years ago, and learning to be independent and establish an identity for myself.” 

He speaks of how he tasted the feeling of individuality, and it was a mixed feeling. It is indeed a juncture that most of us hold close to our hearts. Living our lives one dream at a time. 

“Certain days are good, and certain days are not. However, I am slowly managing work and learning to strike a healthy balance by accommodating my overall mental health.” 

Aman identifies his hobbies to be that of Music, Badminton and enjoys playing Table Tennis. He is an avid reader and spends his leisure time reading books on psychology and trying to understand the workings of the human brain. 

“Relating with behaviour patterns, mindsets and channelising emotions have always been a challenge for me, and I wanted to understand myself better and how to navigate my emotions and make informed decisions.” 

He also dealt with difficulty at work and found the pressure to be building up in multiple directions, and he wanted to learn how to manage it all without going through anxiousness or stress. 

Aman articulates that he has always had trouble saying No, and people would take advantage of it and this restricted him from building boundaries. 

“I have seen people going through difficulty, and it worries me to see them like that, and I was always intrigued to understand what were they dealing with and how would they fix it.”

Aman narrates that the functioning of our brains and how we process situations depend from person to person, and during such times all we need is somebody to help us through things. It is in spaces like these that mental health professionals come into being. 

“I decided to give therapy a chance and took up the free subscription offered by my office as they partnered with YourDOST. I met with my Counselor Ms. Padmaja Sharma, and after my first session, I felt uplifted. It was a beautiful feeling.”

Aman was able to resonate with his counselor on a deeper level, and he believes that to be the best part for him out of therapy. 

Here are his words of gratitude to his counselor: 

“She is a calm and composed person who is empathetic and eager to understand my difficulties. She gave me personal attention and offered multiple suggestions to help me have a balanced thinking state. I was always intrigued to hear from her about how people handle things, and she was always energetic.”

He explains that this activity with Ms. Padmaja was the best part of his day as it made him get closer to his answer and her patience always took him in awe. The learnings were helpful for Aman as he became empathetic towards people who would approach him with challenges. 

“I still remember how she spoke to me even when her father was not keeping well. That takes a lot of courage and compassion. It is beautiful to know that she gave me her time and helped me through all that I was going through.”

He describes the different techniques that Ms. Padmaja suggested to him and these include carving out time and dedicating it to Writing/journaling his thoughts in a notebook and practising active yoga. 

“It’s always easy to give suggestions but to implement them is where the struggle lies, as people take suggestions only when they believe in you and how you are in your personal life. I was able to implement the suggestions that my therapist introduced to me and I am waking up happy every day.” 

Aman was getting closer to his answers and that gave him immense peace as he is a better man now, who is more outspoken and has solved the jigsaw puzzle of how to channelise his emotions and also assist people to do the same. 

The issues he dealt with boundaries have become invisible now, as he manages his time well and believes that every day he wakes up is learning to strengthen the walls of being an assertive person. 

In terms of feeling better on a scale of 1 to 5, Aman rated himself with a 3.4 and we ardently believe that he is already a warrior himself who is constructing the strongest wall of assertiveness. 

Aman’s Warrior Tips:
1. It is important to understand your mindset take a few steps and then decide what you want to do.
2. Always discuss your issues with people, as it’ll help you have more control of your thoughts and how you channelise them.

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