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Slade’s Story Of How He Re-ignited His Purpose Through Counseling

“Carpe diem, seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.” – John Keating

Kerala is a land of culture filled with multiple food cuisines, heritage sites, and resources and the place where the traditional dance forms of Mohiniaatam and Kathakali originated. 

Our warrior Slade’s journey in anchoring himself with his purpose in life began at a young age. He belongs to a family of four and grew up in Kerala, Mumbai and he is currently in Bangalore.

He has a sister and his parents are in Kerala. He is 30 years old and works at UpGrad as a Technical Associate. 

He is into academic hobbies, playing chess, drawing and painting, coding, guitar and enjoys reading books. Adulthood is a dynamic phase and the feeling of becoming independent feels like the first ray of sun on our skin after a cold winter night and it was a similar feeling in Slade’s life. 

He is close to his family but there are differences here and there and has learned to live through them He belongs to a family of four and mentioned that he is close to his mom, as he was the eldest he remembers his childhood to be filled with memories of having to take care of his sister. 

Each of our voyages toward attaining purpose is different, for some, it feels like a mundane merry-go-round and for some, a rugged roller-coaster ride. 

In Slade’s case, it was a blend of both. He narrates how growing up had its hardships to handle and that his relationship with a person he developed had been complicated for quite a long time.

Stepping into therapy is a process, and change happens at one’s own pace of acceptance. He felt things falling apart for him, and it was around this time his organisation partnered with YourDOST and offered free counselling services. 

“My idea of therapy was that you don’t need it if you know yourself. It was a tool to help you manage yourself and your life better.” 

He decided to book his sessions with Ms. Ishitha and things went fine for him all through his session.

“I am glad my organisation helped me meet my counsellor. I was going through a breakup, and I am glad I got in touch with my counsellor, and it felt liberating.”

Slade expressed that meeting his counselor helped him feel non-judgemental, she understood him, and she was patient in listening to him.

He mentioned how his break-up cost him too much as he felt like he lost his central focus and this devastated him and did not know how to move forward and realised he needed professional help to get back to his regular self.

“She was important the break-up was bad. I imagined my life with her and when I open-up to people it takes away a huge part of me. This was she to me, the one who I opened up and when she left I was pushed into nothingness.”

Giving a part of our soul to somebody is when we get extremely vulnerable in our entire life and when it does not work out or is not respected, we become desperate and start doing things we otherwise won’t. 

He has been in multiple places emotionally through life but he has never been lost and this was the first time. When this happened it hit him badly and affected his pride and ego. 

“For a very long time, it was difficult accepting his break-up and it was my counselor who helped me through it by asking me to take a look at the reality.” 

Slade is already on his path to betterment and explained how he communicated well with his counselor and shared everything with her. 

“She spoke to me about the different techniques I could perform to allow myself to accept change. Journaling and writing poetry saved me.” 

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion.” – John Keating. 

He describes how he proactively took action to work on himself and her techniques helped him understand his behaviour patterns.

Voyages come with their survival instincts and the most proven way to survive is to stay patient and collected. Our warrior stuck by these words and liberated himself from things that put him down. 

When we asked him what would his words of gratitude be for his counselor he said: 

“Thank you Ms Ishitha for providing me with the space and comfort to feel re-affirmed and continue moving forward.”

He described that the one thing that stuck with him which his counselor said was 

It’s not your duty to save everyone and begin by saving yourself. 

“I dealt with a saviour complex and I have learnt how to manage it better through therapy.”

Slade is a true warrior for stepping up by taking situations head-on and managing them like a pro. 

When we asked him to rate himself on a scale of 1 to 5 in terms of how he feels his transformation to be he rated himself with a killer 4.5, and we are super excited to see him in his high spirits!

Slade’s Warrior Tips:
1.“You are not alone, sharing it with professionals will never make you a small person.”
2.“It’s okay to seek help when you cannot deal with things by yourself.”

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