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70 Egg-cellent Egg Puns & Jokes That Will Crack You Up

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even desserts – eggs can truly transform any meal of the day!

Eggs have been one of the world’s most favorite go-to meals for any time of the day, and you know what that means? They are the ultimate perfect ingredient for everything, laughter included.

Here we have prepared some absolutely eggs-quisite egg puns and jokes that will make you and your friends laugh at any time of the day.

Let’s get started!

Best egg puns and jokes.

Funny Egg Jokes

You know that we are big lovers of any jokes related to food – such as pasta, or even a few good ol’ banana jokes! So you know we got something special here.

Let’s see what the eggs have to offer:

Hilarious egg puns.

1. Why did the egg lose its appeal in court? 

Its arguments were eggs-aggerated.


2. Why were the eggs cracking jokes all day long? 

They woke with their funny sides up!


3. Why did the egg cry when it was beaten? 

It must have eggs-perienced pain.


4. Why was the naughty egg sad? 

It was eggs-pelled from school.


5. What sport do eggs excel at? 

Eggs-treme sports, of course.


6. Why did the egg feel uncomfortable taking a lie detector test? 

Because it knew it would crack under pressure.


7. Why was the egg thrilled when its plan was executed flawlessly? 

Mainly because everything went eggs-actly as planned.


8. How does an egg surf the internet? 

It uses Internet Eggs-plorer.


9. What did the egg do at the funeral? 

He eggs-pressed grief.


10. Where do eggs go for vacations? 



11. What did the Doctor prescribe to the sick egg? 

A medical eggs-am.


12. Why did the arrogant egg not get along with his friends? 

Because it was an eggo-maniac.


13. Why did the uninvited egg get angry at the class reunion? 

Because it was egg-nored.


14. Why was the egg enrolled in school? 

To get egg-ucated.


15. Why did the egg lose its way around town? 

Because it was mislaid.


16. Why was the egg a bore at the party? 

Because it couldn’t take a yolk on itself.


17. Why did the egg visit the haunted house? 

Because it wanted to get terri-fried!


18. What would you call it when a chicken from outer space lays eggs? 

An eggs-traterrestrial egg.


19. What did the egg order at Starbucks? 

An eggs-presso.


20. Why did its parents punish the chick? 

Because it used fowl language.


21. Why did the egg get into a car crash? 

Because it eggs-elerated too much!


22. Why was Humpty Dumpty happy about autumn last year? 

Because he had a great fall.


23. What happened to the egg that was electrocuted?

It was shell-shocked.


24. What did the egg say to his friend for his late arrival?

Sorry, omelet!


25. What did the egg say to the other egg which was copying his material?

You’re poaching my best jokes!

More Hilarious Egg Puns & Jokes

Don’t you think our list is anywhere near the end! Let’s keep going with some more fantastic egg jokes:

Funny egg jokes.

26. How did the eggs get out of prison? 

They scrambled!


27. What superpower did the egg wish it had? 

Eggs-ray vision.


28. If Batman’s nemesis was an egg, what would he be called? 

The Yolker.


29. Why did the man buy his eggs from the black market? 

Because he liked his eggs poached.


30. Why did the eggs escape the prison? 

Because they were afraid of being beaten.


31. Which day of the week do eggs hate the most? 



32. Why was the egg socially awkward

Because he never came out of his shell.


33. Why was the egg disappointed with its role in the movie?

Because it was just an eggs-tra.


34. Why was the egg breathing heavily?

Because it was eggs-hausted!


35. Which show did the egg partake in to showcase his talent? 



36. Why did the egg turn up at the interview in a casual dress? 

Because nobody eggs-plained the dress code to him.


37. How do clowns like their eggs cooked? 

They like them scrambled. 


38. Why did the egg not install ventilation in its kitchen? 

Because it wasn’t an eggs-haust fan.


39. What did the egg do when it had enough of the humans? 

It eggs-terminated all of them!


40. What is an egg’s favorite magic spell? 

Eggs-pecto Patronum.


41. Why did one of the eggs hatch a day after the others? 

Because it was a laid bloomer.


42. What did the court do to the innocent egg? 

It eggs-onerated him.


43. Why did the chef get angry at his assistant for messing up the egg dish? 

Because it was a complete scramble.


44. What happened to the eggs who lost all will to live? 

It had an eggs-estential crisis.


45. Why did the egg lose all its inheritance? 

Because of its compulsive scrambling habit.


46. Why did the egg decide to bungee jump?

Because it wanted to do something eggs-traordinary!


47. Nobody knows how the barn caught fire—the plot chickens.


48. What do you call a self-centered egg? 

An egg-omaniac!


49. Why did the egg never go out anywhere? 

Because it was antisoshell.


50. Why was the egg afraid of the Dalek

Because it kept saying “Eggs-terminate, eggs-terminate”!


51. What do you get when an oval planet blocks the sun? 

A solar egglipse.


52. What did the egg feel after achieving nirvana? 

It felt eggs-tatic.


53. What do you call an artificial egg? 

A bootlegg.


54. What did the Doctor prescribe the obese egg? 

An early morning yolk.

Egg Puns to Sweeten the Deal

We hope you are enjoying yourself! Here are a few more egg puns and jokes that will keep you laughing:

Scrambled egg jokes.

55. The eggs jumped off the frying pan and still didn’t crack.

I guess it was a calculated whisk.


56. Why was the egg stuck in the maze? 

Because it couldn’t find the eggs-it.


57. Where do eggs keep their money? 

In their bank eggounts!


58. Why did the pirate bury an egg along with his gold and treasure? 

Because eggs marks the spot!


59. What happened to the egg who won the lottery?

It went from reggs to riches.


60. Did you hear about the egg that was caught in the act of escaping? 

Its plan was unscrambled.


61. Why was the chicken happy after seeing its medical test report? 

Because all the results were n-egg-ative!


62. Why was the egg sad after failing his college entrance exam? 

Because he found out how medi-yolk-er he was at studies.


63. What did the egg say to the frying pan? 

Let’s get fried!


64. Why did the egg feign innocence? 

Because egg-norance is bliss.


65. Where do you find the best eggs in England? 



66. Why do eggs stay away from one another? 

Because they don’t want to become an egg sandwich.


67. Why did the hen lay eggs on the mountain slope? 

Because the farmer wanted egg rolls.


68. Did you hear about the egg that was skeptical of God’s existence? He’s egg-nostic.


69. How do you cook a bunch of funny eggs? 

You throw them in the crack-pot.


70. What did the rebellious egg do when it was growing up in Japan? 

It joined the Yolk-uza.

Your Turn!

Did we crack you up? We would love to know which jokes made you and your kids laugh the most.

Please let us know what were your favorites in the comments down below!

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