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How Rohit Re-Discovered Himself Amidst the Ruins of Separation


Rohit Re-Discovers Himself Amidst the Ruins of His Separation

“Separation isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce.” – Jennifer Weiner

Belonging to the city of Nagpur, this is the journey of Rohit, who touched rock bottom only to find his way back up. Rohit, who is 30-years-old, worked as a Learning Advisor at Erulearning Solutions Pvt Ltd that favours his liking towards negotiating. Rohit is fond of listening to music. Apart from being the ardent reader that he is, Rohit also enjoys occasional matches of football. Rohit was born in a nuclear family and has a pet dog named Minnie who is very close to his heart. This relentless personality has his priorities solidly embedded in caring for his close ones with utter devotion. 

“I recently got married. But within two months of my marriage, I went through a separation that changed my life.”

As Rohit got married, his life took an abrupt turn following a separation within two months. But matters went ugly when he became the person to be blamed by everyone around him. The separation was followed by a criminal case filed against him by his ex-partner’s side. The only difference lay in the fact that the case filed was a fake one!

“My whole world came crashing down. I didn’t know how to take this situation or how to react. All I was able to do was to get into my own shell of depression.”

What started with a separation, had pierced through every aspect of Rohit’s life.

Rohit, in grief and remorse, began experiencing endless episodes of setbacks. The setbacks were a result of whirlpools of pain tumbling within him. With a drastic decrease in concentration, his work, life and everything else started to witness a disastrous outcome. As Rohit’s work niche was based on sales, numbers were a crucial part of his work. This meant that Rohit’s performance was directly proportional to the number of sales he brought. 

“With the loss in concentration, my performance declined. In sales, it’s all about numbers. In my case, I barely could show good numbers by then. I was not at all ready for the separation and its impact on my work performance.”

What started with a separation, had pierced through every aspect of Rohit’s life. Once a great salesman, Rohit had now lost the power of thinking. Although his manager was aware of his situation, from the main role, Rohit was pushed into a support role. Rohit had worked for international markets and this time, he was shoved from the US to the UK. Rohit, hoping to be relocated soon, was yet again moved to India. No matter how optimistic Rohit tried to remain, he was seeing no hope for an upgrade. 

“While I was struggling on my professional front, I was also finding it difficult to cope with my daily life. Meanwhile, I was working with the leftovers in my work. Whichever tasks needed more effort and carried less credibility were allotted to me.”

Rohit was eating so much that he would end up gobbling down 3 burgers instead of one.

Rohit was eating so much that he would end up gobbling down 3 burgers instead of one. He would also end up eating a lot of sugar as it brought him temporary calmness. Often, he would think of killing himself from his fifth floor. With the lack of support from everyone around him, Rohit would sit inside his room for endless days overthinking with no movement. But deep inside, there was a voice indicating him to take a step else he would end up nowhere. Knowing that he deserved to live his life happily, Rohit decided to take a leap of faith.

“My company was associated with YourDOST, which provided online counseling. I knew I needed a neutral point of view once in my life. I took this opportunity to avail the same.”

Rohit got in touch with Mithra, his counselor from YourDOST. Mithra on the other hand asked Rohit, first of all, get back on his toes to get the blood flowing in his veins. Rohit was suggested to go out and take 5 minutes to walk at least daily. Secondly, Rohit was encouraged to do whatever he liked to do and brought him happiness. 

“As the process of counseling was going on, I also was asked to resign from the company by my manager. But by then, I already had two jobs in my hand, and I obviously chose the job that had my old manager in it. I had no regrets!” 

Rohit is a person who likes to go on bike rides. So, Rohit had a chance to visit his university. Along with a detour to a nearby temple, Rohit ended up taking a total of 800 km ride that turned out to be a therapeutic experience for him. 

“Now I enjoy music and stare at the moon to chill on the same terrace I once wanted to kill myself after the separation.”

The first two weeks of counseling was the time when Rohit saw the change in him most.

The first two weeks of counseling was the time when Rohit saw the change in him most. As Rohit describes his counseling journey as great as well as gradual, he extends his gratitude to Mithra for the role she has played in his growth. He also thanks YourDOST for being there when he was at his lowest. Rohit now plans for another road trip on his bike as he hopes for a new beginning owing to the courage he gathered for his own mental health. 

We, at YourDOST, are mesmerised by this beautiful soul and know that he deserves a lot of love and support in his coming endeavours. Rohit rates his overall improvement through counseling with a 4 out of 5. No wonder, he is a true warrior!

Rohit’s Warrior Tips:
1. Talking to someone who knows how to deal with your issues is always a good decision to make.
2. If you earn and don’t invest in yourself and your mental health, there’s no point. No money can buy happiness that your sanity will offer.
3. You only will go on with yourself till the end. So make sure you make the most out of it.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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