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61 Corn Jokes And Puns – The Corniest Yet Ah-Maize-ing

Did you know that corn is the most popular vegetable in the United States? Boiled, steamed, roasted, or grilled – we absolutely love corn

Today, on our menu are the corniest of all corn jokes. 

Let’s jump right into them!

corn jokes

Funniest Corn Puns

1. The corn stalk decided to change careers. He went into a completely different field.


2. The mama corn wasn’t worried about her chubby son. “He’s not fat,” she said, “he’s just a little husky.”


3. It was a nasty shock for the football team that practiced in the corn field. They got totally creamed.


4. I went to a party in a corn field the other day. I wasn’t expecting much, but it turned out to be a total corn ball.


5. I saw a naked corn cob the other day. I was shucked!


6. I got lost for hours in a corn field, I thought I would be scared, but it was actually an absolutely a-maizing experience.


7. I could give you a list of corn-loving baseball players, but you know Ty Cobb would be number one.


8. Some corn fell out of a lady’s grocery bag while walking down the street. I shouted after her, but sadly my words fell on deaf ears.


9. If you’re ever left alone in a corn salesman’s office, whatever you do, don’t start snooping through his files. They are cornfidential.


10. The corn was worried it had a cough. Its voice was getting a little bit husky.


11. Corn is an excellent listener. It’s all ears.


12. Some corn, a carrot, and cucumber all fell into the ocean. Now they are all C foods.


13. The corn farmer won the Nobel Peace Prize for his extreme dedication to world hominy.


14. The grumpy girl was unhappy when she found out that her parents wanted her to make the corn for supper. “This shucks,” she sighed.


15. Some say that popcorn can be challenging to chew. I know where they’re coming from, there’s definitely a kernel of truth to that statement.


16. I don’t really like corn jokes. I find them a bit too difficult to digest.


17. My pa just told me an extremely funny corn pun. It’s left me a husk of a person.


18. The baby corn wanted a pet, so his mama decided to buy the baby a corn dog.


19. I took the grain to the granary and the corn to the coronary.


20. Someone told me they had a good corn pun. I live in a hut made from corn husks, so needless to say, I was all ears.


21. If you want to buy some pirate corn, it’s going to cost you a buccaneer.


22. Plain popcorn? I’m sorry, but you can really do a lot butter than that.


23. I gave a huge sum of money to a corn farmer. I was a bit nervous; it was a major stalk investment.


24. The corn stalks decided to hold a ceremony to honor their favorite scarecrow. They wanted to congratulate it on being out standing in its field.


25. The cornfield was relieved when it heard that it was going to rain. “Phew,” it said, “that’s music to my ears.”

corn jokes and puns

Best Corn Jokes

26. What do corn stalk’s raise? 

Cornish Game Hens.


27. Why were all the corn stalks afraid of Jimmy? 

Because Jimmy cracks corn, and he doesn’t care.


28. What do they call the best student at Corn University?

The A-corn.


29. What kind of amphibian lives in a cornfield?

A corned toad.


30. If corn oil comes from corn, what does baby oil come from? 

Minerals. What did you think I was going to say?


31. What is corn oil used for?

Corn cars.


32. What did the farmer give his wife for Valentine’s day?

 Corn Rows.


33. What did the corn say when he received a compliment

Aw, shucks.


34. What is a buccaneer? 

A fair price for corn.


35. How much does a pirate pay for corn? 

A buccaneer.


36. How is an ear of corn like an army?

 Both have lots of kernels.


37. What is corn oil used for? 

To stop corn from squeaking.


38. What does corn use as money? 

Corn bread.


39. What do you tell maize after it graduates from high school?



40. Who was the greatest baseball corn player of all time?

 Ty Cob.


41. How do they describe the Iowa state fair?

 It’s like a corn-ival.


42. What did baby corn say to mom corn? 

Where’s pop corn?


43. Where does corn go for vacation? 

Lake Earie. (Lake Erie)


44. Why was everyone letting the corn tell them what to do?

 He was the kernel.


45. What do you get when a truck runs over a corn cob? 

Creamed corn.


46. Why did the corn stalk stop moving? 

It ran out of corn oil.


47. Where does ghost corn go to haunt people? 

Lake Eerie.


48. Why was the kernel comedian booed off the stage? 

All of his jokes were corny.


49. Who is maize’s dad? 

Pop corn.


50. What do you get when you cross a werewolf and maize? 

A corn dog.


51. What is the most mythical vegetable?

 The unicorn.


52. What was the name of the vegetable police squad that rode motorcycles? 

Corn CHiPs.


53. Why shouldn’t you tell secrets on a farm? 

Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.


54. What do you call a cow who trips in a cornfield? 

Corned beef.


55. What has many ears but cannot hear? 

A field of corn.


56. What kind of corn can you eat but never grow? 

Candy corn.


57. What do farmers do on Christmas eve? 

Hang the corn stalkings over the fireplace.


58. Why is corn such a good listener? 

Because it’s all ears!


59. How do you describe Halloween corn? 

It’s eerie.


60. What do you get when you cross a corn cob and a cow? 

Corned Beef.


61. Why doesn’t anyone laugh at the farmer’s jokes?

Because they’re always too corny.

Your Turn!

Did we manage to make you laugh? We would love to hear from you. 

Also, if you have some corny corn jokes – feel free to write them in the comments!

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