From Minecraft jokes to morning jokes, we have covered it all on our blog! However, we still haven’t talked about funny things robots say or do, which is a shame.
We’ve grown up watching C-3PO, and now we have Roombas dancing around us, helping us clean the apartment. Who knows what the future will bring and how our relationship with our metal friends will look?
Whether you are a youngster or getting older and a bit rusty (see what we did there?), you will surely enjoy our collection of the funniest robot jokes and puns!
Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Funny Robot Jokes for Kids
1. What happens when a robot falls into muddy water?
It gets wet and muddy! Duh!
2. What do you call a robot dog?
3. What is a Robot’s favorite kind of music?
Heavy metal!
4. How did the robot get across the river?
In a ro-boat.
5. Why are robots never afraid?
They have nerves of steel.
6. What do robots drink from?
A robottle.
7. Why did the robot cross the road?
Because the chicken was out of order!
8. What excuse did Ray give for not having her homework?
BB-8 it.
9. What do you get if you cross a robot with a tractor?
A trans-farmer.
10. What do robots wear outside during the winter?
11. What do you call a frozen droid?
An ice borg.
12. What do you call a pirate robot?
13. Why was the robot angry?
Because someone kept pushing his buttons!
14. What do you call a robot driving in a car?
A roadbot.
15. Where do robots sit?
On their robottoms!
16. What sound does a robot sheep make?
Be-e-ep, be-e-ep.
17. Where does a robot go on holiday?
18. What do you call a robot who likes books?
A readbot.
19. What name should you never call a robot?

Best Robot Jokes & Puns
20. Why are robots shy?
They’ve got hardware and software but no underwear.
21. What web browser would a robot use?
22. What did the droid do at lunchtime?
He had a byte.
23. Why did the robot marry his partner?
He couldn’t resistor!
24. What do robot pine trees grow?
25. What did the baby robot call its creator?
26. What’s a robot’s favorite film?
Raiders of the Lost Spark.
27. What do you call a robot that doesn’t use deodorant?
28. Why are robot mechanics never lonely?
They’re always making new friends.
29. What did the man say to his dead robot?
Rust in peace.
30. What do you call an invisible droid?
31. What’s a robot’s favorite dance?
The Roomba.
32. Why was the robot late for the meeting?
He took an R2-detour.
33. What’s a robot’s favorite exercise?
Circuit training.
34. What’s a robot’s favorite song?
Light My Wire.
35. What’s a robot’s favorite country?
36. Why do robots never use bank cards?
They always pay with cache.
37. Why does everyone fall asleep in Professor Robot’s flying class?
Because he drones on and on.
38. What restaurant did the robot go to?
39. Who was the robot’s favorite author?
Anne Droid.
40. Why did the robot go to the bank?
He’d spent all his cache.
41. Why did the robot want to take a train up the mountain?
He thought it would be a hard drive.
42. What do you call it when two robots go to a restaurant?
A dinner data.
43. Why wasn’t there an oil can in the x-wing fighter garage?
BB-8 it.
44. Why was the robot banned from driving?
She beeped too much.

45. Why was the robot feeling bad?
It had a virus.
46. Why was the android itchy?
47. What is R2D2 short for?
Because he has small legs.
48. Why was the android itchy?
49. Why did the robot fall off his bike?
He hadn’t ridden in a long time and was a little rusty.
50. Why did the robot run away?
It heard an electric can opener.
51. Who wrote the book titled: “My Life as a Robot?”
Cy Borg.
52. What musical instrument do some robots play?
53. What do you call a robot who always runs into the wall?
54. What do they do every summer in robot neighborhoods?
Have a ro-block party.
55. Why did the robot chicken cross the road?
He was programmed to do it!
56. Why shouldn’t R2D2 be allowed in movies?
He says so many foul words they have to bleep everything he says!
57. I went to a robot convention – it was very aluminum-ating!
58. Why do robots make bad teachers?
They just drone on and on!
59. Which band do robots love to listen to?
60. Why did the robot need to go to therapy?
Because he always bot-tled up his emotions!
61. What do you call a robot that’s programmed to make scarves and blankets?
An extermin-knitter!
62. What do you call a robot who likes to row?
A row-bot!
Dirty Robot Jokes for Adults
Now, we would invite the younger members of our audience to keep scrolling because this section is for adults only! Dirty jokes are always funny, and robots are no exceptions:
63. What do you call a robot’s one-night stand?
A nut and bolt.
64. Why did the robot stop watching adult videos?
He lost his s*x drive.
65. What do you call inappropriate robot behavior at Hooters?
A wire stripper.
66. What does a robot say while it’s getting it on?
You really know how to push my buttons.
67. What is a robot’s favorite pick-up line?
Nice bolts. Wanna screw?
68. What did the robot say to a girl he was attracted to?
Are those real, or were you upgraded in Silicone Valley?
69. How does a robot know it is turned on?
Its heart goes into overdrive.
Your Turn!
Finally, we would love nothing more than to hear from you:
What are your favorite robot jokes?
Please share them in the comments below!
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