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This is How Srihari Navigated The Winds Of Change Through Counseling.

From the beautiful city of Vishakapatnam comes Srihari. The 30-year-old sincere, hardworking individual has completed two master’s degrees and is currently working in the field of Earth Science. 

He belongs to a family of four based in Andhra Pradesh. Growing up, Srihari enjoyed playing sports and spending time with his friends. He was always sure he was always consistent with his responsibilities both at home and in school. 

He enjoyed his school life and claimed that he would even love to go the extra mile when he worked with his teachers after school hours. A true visionary, this is what set him apart from most of his classmates. 

“My family had quite a few financial problems when I was in school making things often stressful in my home.”

You know the saying: Change is the only constant! Just when things start to feel still, something we least anticipate can shake us up. 

Srihari had a difficult experience with change when he shifted from his old school to a new one. He struggled to fit in among his new peers, making him feel isolated and helpless. 

“My new school was much more hectic and more restricted than what I was used to. I tried my best, but I struggled to fit in here.”

Teachers have a significant role in our lives as we grow through our experiences. Srihari mentions that he had a very difficult time with one of his teachers who never treated him well, leading him to doubt himself and resent his school even more.

Though his journey was one with many obstacles, Srihari stayed focused on his goals, completed two Master’s degrees, and worked on a very significant project in his career. 

“I had to move to Jharkhand for my career. That change was very difficult for me since I didn’t know anyone in this completely new place.”

It was around this time when the lockdown had officially been put in place, making this rollercoaster of a journey even more difficult. 

“I stopped all my other activities and only focused on my Ph.D. However, I struggled to feel satisfied with the work I was doing and it was exhausting.”  

It was at this bump in the road that Srihari knew he needed someone to help him. So, with a steady mind and a brave heart, he embarked upon a journey of improvement and healing. 

During the course of his master’s degree, Srihari learned that his university had a partnership with YourDOST. Having gone through those struggles earlier, he decided to seek professional help from his counselor. 

Srihari’s counselor, Ms. Nimisha helped him understand the root causes of a lot of his feelings. She guided him with techniques to manage his emotions better and helped him feel more confident and focused on his goals. 

Oftentimes, when we are caught up in the demands of the world we forget to prioritize our own needs. Setting your boundaries is not always easy, but it’s absolutely essential for your peace of mind. 

“One exercise that helped me was learning how to say no to people. That was a big problem I had and she helped me be more assertive and build proper boundaries.”

Srihari mentions that Ms. Nimisha was extremely patient and empathetic with him. She provided him with a fresh perspective on life and helped him understand how to manage his emotions better. 

“I am very grateful to my counselor for helping me regain my focus. I feel like I am finally back on track with my work.”

Srihari’s journey of consistency and perseverance is an inspiring tale proving that no matter how difficult things get, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. We just have to stay positive and confident. 

Srihari believes that there is always room for improvement, and rates himself a 3 out of 5 in terms of feeling better. He has come a long way in this beautiful voyage and we wish him all the best for his future. 

Srihari’s Warrior Tips:
1. “Don’t give up. Be patient and do your best to stay optimistic.”
2.“Don’t bottle up your feelings. Talking to someone who you trust will always help you cope with things better.”
3.“Give counseling a try. You never know how much good it can do for you.”

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